Hawaiian Style Pickled Mango

Heaven in your mouth ;) Mixes great with alcohol too! Also Check out my new favorite Pickled Mango Martini Recipe. Enjoy!

By, Mai | 9/16/2021

Picture for Hawaiian Style Pickled Mango article


6 green mangoes sliced

2 cups white vinegar (You can play with different vinegar combinations, apple cider, rice wine, etc. to your liking)

1-2 cups sugar to taste (Try your favorite sweeteners, and add to your liking)

1/4 cup Hawaiian Salt (Any good coarse salt)

1/4 cup whole peppercorns

10 li hing mui with seeds

*optional 1 to 2 teaspoons of li hing powder for added color and stronger li hing flavor

*optional 1 to 2 teaspoons of chili pepper flakes if you want a little spiciness

*optional you can add a few drops of red food coloring if you want red mango vs yellow mango slices

*li hing powder also called plum powder


Peel and slice mangoes

Place sliced mangoes in large, non-reactive container. I like a large glass Pyrex baking dish.

Add the li hing mui

Optional, sprinkle on li hing powder if you want more li hing flavor and chili pepper flakes for spiciness

Set Aside

In a pot, add sugar, salt, peppercorns and vinegar and bring to a low boil or simmer until sugar and salt are dissolved. Take it off heat and when its cool enough to touch, pour over mango and li hing mui. Note, the mango will soften and shrink in the liquid. If your container is looking like it will overflow, just give it a couple minutes and then continue to add the vinegar marinade as your container will allow.

Mix gently and store in refrigerator. It should marinate for a day or two before eating.

You can transfer into mason jars in a few days and store in the back of your fridge, ready to snack on or give as gifts.

CAUTION, plastic is not a good long term storage option as the acidity will melt through it.

The pickled mango juice is delicious to use in other things if you don't drink it all first.





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