Happy King Kamehameha Day

Day of the King.

By, Mai | 7/07/2021

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A comet streaks across a starry Hawaiian sky and a baby boy is born with a destiny of uniting the Hawaiian Islands under one rule. King Kamehameha the Great commanded a great army that fought their way to unification and birthed the Independent Hawaiian Nation into existence. The Hawaiian Royal Family was well-traveled and had a special friendship with England as seen by the Union Jack on its Flag. Many decades later, and the Hawaiian Nation is slowly rebuilding its independence once again. For almost a 150 years Hawaii has annually celebrated King Kamehameha the Great throughout the month of June. Leis are draped on his statues around the islands and in Washington D.C. on his June 11 birthday. As I mentioned in the MaiTaisAtSunset podcast, Kamehameha’s D.C. statue was relocated during the Obama administration to the Capitol Visitor Center in the Emancipation Hall.

June may just be the best time to visit Hawaii. The weather is mostly sunny but not too hot. There are so many King Kamehameha celebrations around the state. Each island has its own festivities, with stunning floral parades, hula, and so much more. My favorites are the Lei draping of the King Kamehameha statue across from Iolani Palace. The Royal Hawaiian Band plays too. It’s Just magical to see in person. Hoping we are in full swing for all events by 2022.

Aloha, Mai


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